Allergy Injection Frequently Asked Questions
Can I be tested for allergies at Stamps Health Services?
Stamps Health Services does not do allergy testing. You will need to see an Allergist to have this done. The Atlanta-based allergists found on our website have locations close to campus.
What does the allergy clinic actually do?
Nurses administer allergy injections only. Your allergist must send us signed and dated orders with instructions for administering your allergy injections. Please make sure you read the webpage and forms carefully for more information.
Will my insurance cover my allergy injections?
SHS only accepts the United Healthcare Student Health Insurance Plan for payment. You will be asked to pay the Allergy Injection Semester fee of 100.00 at the beginning of the semester. If you are on maintenance and receive injections on a monthly basis, you may want to pay the injection fee of 10.00 per injection. Both options are open to any student, but usually paying the semester fee is more cost effective.
How do I make an appointment for allergy injections?
Please make sure you have seen an allergist and have all the paperwork completed (including allergist signature on page 7). Stamps Health Services requires you to have received at least 3 allergy visits, that include injections, on separate days from your allergist without having an adverse reaction before we will administer your allergy shots. Your first appointment should be made by calling 404-385-4495 and scheduling an appointment to review paperwork and meeting our allergy nurses. At your first visit, we will review your paperwork and allergy history to determine if it is appropriate for you to receive allergy injections at our facility. At this appointment, you may want to schedule your allergy injection appointments for the entire semester. You can also make an appointment online at and selecting Make an Appointment. It is important that the online appointment is made in the Travel, Allergy and Immunization Department.
Can I just walk in and get an allergy injection?
No. Allergy injections require an appointment so that the nurse can spend adequate time in reviewing your orders and administering your extracts correctly.
Is there a cancellation fee or no show fee for allergy injections?
No, however, if you do not follow the dosing schedule that your allergist prescribes, SHS can decline to administer your allergy injections due to safety concerns. It is vital that allergy injections are given on the correct schedule. If you do not consistently follow this schedule, we will not administer your injections.
Will you reorder my extract for me?
It is the student’s responsibility to reorder extracts prior to the vial expiring or if it is time to move to different dilutions. Nursing staff will supply a copy of your shot record for you. It is your responsibility to make sure we receive the extract.
Where should my extract be mailed?
Student’s Name c/o Georgia Tech Stamps Health Services Attn: Allergy Clinic 740 Ferst Dr., NW Atlanta, GA 30332 We recommend using UPS or FedEx in order for your vials to arrive at our building more quickly. Regular mail passes through several locations on campus before arriving at our building.
If I am off campus for the summer or traveling abroad what happens to my extracts?
Please contact our office at 404-385- 4995 and inform us that you will not be on campus as soon as possible. We will copy your records and give you your extracts.
Why do I have to have an epi pen at every visit?
SHS requires you have an Epi pen at every visit for your safety. We realize that many students do not go back to their rooms after their allergy injections. If you experience wheezing or hives or any other reaction that requires epinephrine, you will have your injector with you.
What if I don’t have a prescription for an Epi Pen?
Please let the allergy nurse know this prior to receiving any injections. We will have one of our providers write you a prescription for an Epi Pen that you can fill at your pharmacy of choice. SHS pharmacy does accept insurance from many insurance providers for prescription medications.