Stamps Health Services Ambassadors
NEED ASSISTANCE ?Stamps Health Services Ambassadors help run campus-wide events relating to a wide variety of health topics. In past experiences, our Ambassadors assisted with flu vaccination clinics, HPV clinics, blood pressure checks, Wellness Empowerment Center events, and many other opportunities throughout the year. SHS Ambassadors also has five committees (College Prevention Project, Mental Health Awareness, Nutrition, and General Wellness, Sexual Health Awareness, Women’s Health) which focus on different health topics. Ambassadors can join a committee to help plan events pertaining to that area of health.
Follow us on Instagram: @gtshsambassadors
Mentoring Program
This program gives an opportunity for students to shadow physicians that work at Stamps Health Services for a set time within the semester. To qualify for the Mentorship Program, the Ambassador must be an active member of the club in good standing, maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0, be a third year or beyond, and fill out an application.
This program gives an opportunity for students to shadow physicians that work in the Stamps Health Services.
- Must be an active member of the club
- Minimum GPA of 3.0
- For Juniors, Seniors, and beyond only
- Get to shadow physicians two hours or more every week for one semester, and are also invited to special events
SHS Ambassadors is an application-based organization that works with Stamps Health Services and the Georgia Tech community to provide volunteering and educational opportunities to student ambassadors including:
- Healthcare speakers/panels
- (Virtual) Shadowing opportunities
- Public health initiatives on campus
- Networking with Stamps health professionals
- Collaborative events with other GT pre-health organizations
Applicants agree to assist in activities throughout the school year as needed. That additional commitment can include assistance with GT1000 classes and Stamps Health Services promotional events, based on your availability.
Applicants must have a 2.75 GPA and be in good academic standing. In turn, applicants will be able to gain a more intimate knowledge of Stamps Health Services and meet the healthcare practitioners. Because the success of the Ambassador program depends on your commitment, please only apply if you are willing to honor your commitment to work at any specific event.

Organization Supervisor: Dr. Benjamin Holton, MD.

President: Ryan Kann (

VP Committees: Zoë Burns (

VP of Membership: Prashanth Rathakrishnan (

VP of Internal Affairs: Cooper Lyu (

VP Health Outreach: Tobi Arogundade (

VP Finance: William Yang (