Steps to Complete the Immunization Requirements – For Students Who Received Vaccines in Georgia

Steps to Complete the Immunization Requirements – For Students Who Received Vaccines in Georgia

Please read all of the instructions below thoroughly.

Our medical records system automatically imports your immunization history from the Georgia State Immunization Registry. Please follow the steps below to ensure your immunization requirements are complete.

1. Please log in to our Patient Portal.

2. Click on the Immunizations page of the Portal.

3. Click on the ‘View Immunization Records on File’ button.

4. On the bottom right of the screen, you will see a list of the immunization requirements.  The items with a check mark are complete and the items with an X are incomplete (example below).

5. Depending on the items that are incomplete, you will need to take some additional steps.

A. Everyone will be incomplete for their Tuberculosis requirement initially. Please see this page for instructions on how to complete the Tuberculosis requirement.

B. If you do not see any vaccines in your record, but you know you received some vaccines in Georgia, please reach out to and we can assist with obtaining those records from the Georgia State Immunization Registry.  If you only see some of the vaccines that you received in Georgia, but others are missing, they are likely not on file with the Georgia State Registry.  Please have your healthcare provider complete our Immunization Forms to document the vaccines that were received. Once the forms are completed, please upload them on our Patient Portal on the Upload page.

C. If you are missing other requirements and you received vaccines in another state, please see the instructions here.

D. If you are missing other requirements and you have not received those vaccines previously, please have your healthcare provider administer the appropriate vaccines (or if you previously had one of these diseases, a blood test to check for immunity). Your healthcare provider must complete our Immunization Forms to document the vaccines that were received. Once the forms are completed, please upload them on our Patient Portal on the Upload page and enter your immunization dates on the Immunizations page.

E. If you are under 18 years old and would like to receive healthcare services at Stamps Health Services prior to turning 18, please have your parent or guardian complete the Medical Entrance Form (page 3 of the Immunization Forms). Please upload the Medical Entrance Form on our Patient Portal if you choose to complete it.

If you need any assistance, please contact us at