STI Testing and Treatment
NEED ASSISTANCE ?Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections transmitted through sexual contact with an infected person. Anyone can become infected and some individuals are infected after only one sexual encounter.
Many viral infections, such as Herpes, Genital Warts (Human Papilloma Virus), HIV and Hepatitis B can be treated and managed, but there is no known “cure” for these STIs. Hepatitis C is a viral infection with options for a cure. Bacterial STIs such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Syphilis usually respond to antibiotics. However, antibiotic resistance is a growing concern. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers Gonorrhea drug resistance an urgent threat.
You can help prevent STIs through safer sexual behavior, in particular consistent and correct condom use. Stamps Health Services provides low cost testing to students and eligible spouses.
- If you have a concern regarding the vagina, uterus or related sex organs, you can schedule an appointment in Women’s Health.
- If you have a concern regarding the penis, testicles or related sex organs, you can schedule an appointment in Men’s Health .
To schedule an appointment to get tested or treated:
- Primary Care – Patient Portal, or call 404.894.1420
- Women’s Health – Patient Portal, or call 404.894.1434
- Men’s Health – Patient Portal, or call 404.385.1833
STI Testing
You should be tested for STIs if you have symptoms, are currently sexually active, have a new sexual partner, have multiple sexual partners, have had unprotected sex, have been diagnosed with a STI in the past and/or share injection needles.
STI Symptoms
- Pain or burning with urination
Unusual discharge
Genital skin changes (sores, blisters, rash, growths)
Pelvic pain
Testicular or penile pain
Stamps Health Services provides HIV prevention and treatment support
- PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) to reduce the risk HIV infection along with safer sex practices. Additional information on PrEP can be found at the CDC.
- PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) to help prevent HIV infection after a potential HIV exposure. PEP is for people who have potentially been exposed to HIV in the previous 72 hours. PEP is a month-long medication treatment. Visit the CDC for more information.
- HIV treatment support including coordinated care with infectious disease and mental health specialists, laboratory testing and prescription refill assistance.
Counseling and Support for Concerns Regarding Sexual Trauma
- VOICE, Georgia Tech’s sexual and relationship violence prevention and survivor support initiative. 404.894.9000 24 hours per day.
Available Vaccinations
You can help protect yourself against some infections transmitted through sexual activity. Available vaccinations include:
- HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
More information on specific STIs
Sexual Health and Free Condom Distribution
Information on sexual health and free condom distribution is available here.
Off-campus Resources
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Looking for Covid-19 Health Information?
Learn about Covid-19 prevention, symptoms, testing, and vaccines: Covid-19 Health Information