Immunization Requirements
NEED ASSISTANCE ?Each student is responsible for submitting their immunization records to Stamps Health Services. Below is what you must complete and the due dates for each term. Failure to complete each step will result in an incomplete record, which will result in a registration hold being placed on a student’s account.
What are the required immunizations?
The link below describes our required immunizations and the different ways you can meet those requirements.
Immunization Requirements
How do I submit my immunization records?
You may have received vaccinations in Georgia, in another U.S. state, or outside of the United States. The process for obtaining your records is different depending on where you received the vaccinations since we are able to obtain some records electronically.
Please select/click all the map icons below that apply to you and follow the instructions on the subsequent pages to complete your immunization requirements.
How do I complete the required Tuberculosis screening?
The steps to complete the Tuberculosis screening are based on the country where you were born. These steps must be performed no more than six months before the start date of classes for your first term at Georgia Tech.
For students born in the United States or Canada
Log in to our Patient Portal, then click on the Forms page. Complete the Tuberculosis Screening Form.
If the form determines that you are not at risk for Tuberculosis, then the form is the only item you need to complete for this screening.
If the form determines you are at risk for Tuberculosis, you will need to complete either a PPD skin test (performed in the U.S. or Canada) or IGRA blood test to screen for Tuberculosis. Please upload either the PPD test report or the official IGRA lab report with definitive lab values and reference ranges on the Upload page of our Patient Portal.
If the PPD skin test or IGRA test are positive, you will need to have a chest x-ray performed in the US or Canada to screen for active Tuberculosis. Please upload the x-ray report on the Upload page of our Patient Portal.
Please note:
- If receiving live vaccines at the same time as IGRA testing, IGRA test must be performed prior to, or on the same day as the live vaccines, or 28 days later.
For students born in all other countries
You will need to have an IGRA (Interferon Gamma Release Assay) blood test (Quantiferon or T-Spot) administered. Please upload the official IGRA lab report with definitive lab values and reference ranges in English on the Upload page of our Patient Portal.
If the IGRA test result is positive, you will need to have a chest x-ray performed within the United States or Canada to screen for active Tuberculosis. The x-ray must be performed no more than six months before the start date of classes for your first term at Georgia Tech. Please upload the x-ray report on the Upload page of our Patient Portal.
Please note:
- If you have had a previous positive blood test for Tuberculosis, you should obtain a chest x-ray in the United States or Canada. You do not need to receive an IGRA blood test due to the previous positive.
- You may complete this blood test or x-ray with your healthcare provider or at Stamps Health Services when you arrive at Georgia Tech.
- If receiving live vaccines at the same time as IGRA testing, IGRA test must be performed prior to, or on the same day as the live vaccines, or 28 days later.
Completed immunization documentation should be submitted on or before the deadlines below.
Spring 2025 Deadline: December 9, 2024
Summer 2025 Deadline: May 5, 2025
Fall 2025 Deadlines:
- Last names beginning with A – H: June 9, 2025
- Last names beginning with I – P: June 23, 2025
- Last names beginning with Q – Z: July 7, 2025
Note: We will contact you through the email address you have on file with Georgia Tech if there are any issues with the immunization records you submit.
Price List
All prices are subject to change.
Gardasil 9 | $305.00 | $915.00 |
Hepatitis A |
Hepatitis B – 2 dose series | $125.00 | $250.00 |
Hepatitis B – 3 dose series |
Hepatitis A & B Combination |
Japanese Encephalitis |
Meningococcal (MenQuadfi) |
Meningococcal B Bexsero | $197.00 | $394.00 |
MMR (Live) |
Polio |
Pneumococcal (Prevnar 20) |
Rabies (pre-exposure) |
Td |
Typhoid (injection) |
Varicella (live)(Chicken Pox) |
Yellow Fever |
Laboratory Tests
Laboratory Test
Chest X-Ray | $45.00 | $45.00 |
Hepatitis B Titer | $22.50 | $22.50 |
Measles Titer | $20.71 | $20.71 |
Mumps Titer | $21.37 | $21.37 |
Quantiferon (IGRA) | $71.99 | $71.99 |
Rubella Titer | $18.83 | $18.83 |
Varicella Titer | $21.99 | $21.99 |
Looking for Covid-19 Health Information?
Learn about Covid-19 prevention, symptoms, testing, and vaccines: Covid-19 Health Information
Need Assistance?

Contact us at
(404) 894-1432
or for assistance with your immunization requirements.

Schedule an appointment online or at 404-385-4995.